Eli was born on December 4, 2010 at 11:34 pm… 6 lbs 12 ounces and 20 in. long.
Our first 9 weeks have been wonderful. Lots of visitors - family and friends - and lots of changes around the house (especially my need to have everything clean and in its place). Pete (husband) and I are just so happy and thankful for Eli.
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a mom - to four children, just like my parents. I have two brothers and a sister and cannot imagine growing up with a smaller family.
When Pete and I married in 2006, we chose to travel, enjoy each other, go out to dinner and the movies, stay out late, sleep late and really just enjoy our time together before we had children. We knew that once we were blessed with kids some things would change.
It came as a surprise that when we decided we were ready to have children, it didn't happen right away. For some reason, we thought it would be easy. No one ever tells you that it doesn't always work that way. The road to having children can be difficult, but it isn't something that is often spoken about. It’s amazing what needs to occur in order to conceive. The body really is a work of art. If one tiny detail is missing, or isn't exactly right, it doesn't happen or doesn’t progress the way it should.
Suffice it to say that the journey that ended with Eli’s birth was long, difficult and stressful... it consumed my thoughts. Family members who knew what I was going through thought it must be difficult for me to spend so much time with pregnant moms, newborns, infants and families. Honestly, it was the opposite. Being a family photographer helped me escape the stress. My clients are like family to me. Sharing time with children and experiencing the sheer joy and amazement that a newborn brings gave me the strength and resolve to make it through the tough times. It sounds corny, but when I look through the lens, I can see and feel the love in my client's eyes. It’s an honor and privilege to be able to capture these incredible moments in life. So, I want to say thanks to all of you who opened your hearts and homes to me over the past few years.
It was around my birthday last year that we found out we were pregnant. Although we were bursting with excitement, we were reluctant to share the news with anyone. It wasn’t until the 20th week that I started feeling a little better about baby Schuhmann. I felt great and was starting to ‘show’ more and more each day. I could feel baby moving. Friends could tell that I was pregnant, but I still wasn’t comfortable sharing the news with everyone. Because of all that we’d been through, I was still scared.
Around my start of my third trimester (and the start of my busy season), my doctors put me on bed rest. At this point I had still not formally announced my pregnancy to my clients, and I wasn't comfortable sharing the news then. Instead, I retreated. No quarterly newsletter, no mailings, no expos, no advertising, no holiday cards. I fulfilled my existing commitments, but couldn’t do anything else. I was told by the doctors to not work.
I had weekly - and sometimes bi-weekly - ultrasounds during my entire third trimester. Pete and I joked that our child would be the most photographed baby ever - starting in utero. Despite all the concern, it was reassuring to see those images of healthy baby Schuhmann every week.
December 4th was to be a very busy day. I had my last scheduled photo shoot that evening for a local company's Christmas party. Pete was set to roll sushi for 14 people at our friend's surprise 40th birthday party. The day didn't go quite to plan... at 5:30 am my water broke. I couldn't believe it. TWO WEEKS EARLY.
We went to the hospital and I was admitted by 10 am. By noon, arrangements were made with my back-up photographer and for the sushi party. The day was full of crazy funny stories... too much for a blog post...so ask me in person some time. Eli's birth day was one we will never forget. The support from my husband, parents, nurses and doctor was amazing. We shared lots of laughs and tears, but most importantly, we shared the birth of our child.
If I had to do it all over again (and I hope I get the chance), I would choose not to keep the pregnancy so quiet. It's an exciting and nerve-racking time for everyone. It helps to talk to other moms, share the ups and downs and let it out. Now that Eli is here and I am getting the hang of our new schedule, I am looking forward to seeing and sharing new experiences with you all.